There is no guarantee that intravenous (IV) hydration therapy will help you achieve relief from hangover effects, migraines, or lack of energy. These symptoms vary greatly and individual results will vary. While many feel relief from hydration therapy, symptoms may return within the first 24 hours of treatment.
Please drink alcohol in moderation. Excessive drinking after IV therapy can result in stomach, irritation and other complications. Do not ever drink to excess with the assumption that IV hydration will be able to relieve your symptoms. Excessive drinking can lead to alcohol, poisoning and other serious medical problems. Alcohol poisoning is a very serious, deadly condition. Always drink alcohol in moderation.
I hereby grant permission to be treated for my symptoms, including, but not limited to: dehydration, headache, nausea, and vitamin deficiency. I understand that this treatment may involve an intravenous catheter (an “IV”) and/or intramuscular injection and/or subcutaneous injection (each of the intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, an “Injection”). I understand that medical treatment has risks. The most common risks from IV hydration therapy include, but are not limited to allergic reaction to medications, vein irritation, heartburn, fluid overload, kidney problems, headache, and pain at the IV insertion or Injection site. The rarer side effects include, but are not limited to inflammation of the vein used for injection, phlebitis, metabolic disturbances and injury. The extremely rare side effects include, but are not limited to: severe allergic reaction, anaphylaxis, infection, and cardiac arrest. I have informed the nurse and/or other licensed medical profession (each, a “medical professional”) of any known allergies to drugs or other substances or of any past reactions to anesthetics. I have informed the medical professional of all current medications and supplements.